Chrome Sky, “Binary”, out friday the 15th October the second album for Ghost Record

Scheduled for Friday the 15th of October the release for “Binary” the Chrome Sky’ second album. The album will be available in digital format on the main digital stores and online via Crashsound Distribution.
Credit Pic – Bernarda Raciti / Julian Ferrarese
Binary is the title of the new Chrome Sky’s album. The title was chosen in connection with number two, both because it is the second album of the band and to highlight the “dual but not dual” nature of their musical project, consisting in fact of only two elements apparently antithetical to each other (the machine and the human) but which actually complement each other, represented in turn by the two members of the band (respectively Mario and Paolo). Also note that the title begins with the letter B, precisely the second letter of the alphabet (as well as the first album, Artificial, began with A). The album consists of 8 tracks and represents an evolution of the duo towards harder sounds than the previous one, in which the metal and industrial elements prevail over the others that made up the blend in Artificial.
Chrome Sky is the result of a decade-long collaboration between the multifaceted vocalist and songwriter Paolo Miano and the creative composer/programmer Mario Ferrarese, with the aim of creating a new genre blending metal, industrial, trance, prog, goth and many other influences into a unique and unexplored scenario, with the voice as the sole human element against an entirely programmed instrumental background (guitars included). Chrome Sky’s music depicts with an aseptic and ruthless gaze the alienated existential condition of the contemporary man, forcing the listener to face the magma of drives seething in the depths of the human soul where rationality is overrun, the good and the evil annihilate, the sacred and madness coexist and the doom of man is created, and thus perceive the painful effort of existence. In the summer of 2016 Chrome Sky recorded and mixed seven tracks at The Cave Studio in Catania with renowned producer Daniele Grasso (Afterhours, Greg Dulli) as the sound engineering. The seven songs constitute their debut album Artificial, released by DCave Records in May 2017 and anticipated by the single Artificial Man, whose video-clip produced by Apulian filmmaker alecs (Alessandro Urso) was released at the beginning of October of the same year. Due to personal vicissitudes, however, they are unfortunately forced to interrupt their activity in January 2018 just at the time of the promotional launch in Europe. In 2021, Chrome Sky are back in business with two singles: Kleenex in February, and Desert Sun in June, which mark a slight turn towards harder metal and industrial sounds, and which anticipate a new album, Binary, out on October 15th.

- Waterfall
- Death Of A Hero
- Kleenex [Remastered Version]
- Desert Sun [Remastered Version]
- Ice God
- Aeon Flux
- Quicksand
- March Of The Stormtroopers
Line Up:
Paolo Miano – Voce
Mario Ferrarese – Programming