Deadlock Crew, four friends and passionate musicians who love heavy metal

Deadlock Crew was born in Trieste, Italy, back in 1999. A solid metal band who maintained in time the same line up, energy and enthusiasm for hard music. Lorenzo and Giuliano, singer/guitarist and drummer, with their experience grown in many local music bands found a perfect synergy with Yure (guitar) and Daniele (bass guitar).
The project is to mash up the different musical genres that influenced their own music since the beginning as thrash metal, alternative metal and hard rock.
Immediately after the set-up of the band, they published a promo-cd called “Lobotomized people” which received a lot of positive reviews from the magazines of the time and pushed the band to remain active on the territory with many gigs, events, festivals and moto rallies
Live performances, made of “enthusiasm, watts and sweat”, soon became the addiction of the band; for this reason, studio recording was overshadowed by the attraction for the stage for an extended period. The COVID-19 years forced the four members to change course and to dedicate themself to developing and recording new material for the 2021 album “Look down on me”.
In 2024 the band has grown further and the fire of enthusiasm and energy has not decreased. On the contrary, after many live shows where they entertained rock/metal music fans, they released their new album “No way out”, a more aggressive and technical album than the previous one.
Musicwebzine – Hi guys , who are Deadlock Crew ?
Deadlock Crew: Hi guys! We are four friends and passionate musicians who love heavy metal.
We have been playing together for more than 20 years, and we haven’t killed each other yet 🙂
Musicwebzine – Tell us about your latest release !
Deadlock Crew: “No way out” or last release, compared to the songs written in the past, it is much more mature. A mix of thrash metal, groove. We are really satisfied with the result because it is full of energy and enthusiasm.
Musicwebzine – Which guest would you like get for your next album ?
Deadlock Crew: Emily Armstrong from Linkin Park, I love his voice and how he interprets the songs.
Musicwebzine – Which bands influenced your style ?
Deadlock Crew: Definitely we are influenced by all the mainstay bands of thrash metal, Metallica, Anthrax, but also RATM, Mastodon, FFDP.
Musicwebzine – How many stile we can listen in your music ?
Deadlock Crew: Thrash, heavy, hard rock, a smattering of nu-metal.
Musicwebzine – What about the cover ?
Deadlock Crew: We played cover for about 15 years, we were tired of playing covers, we wanted to be more creative…. then we decided to write our own music, and we had so much satisfaction. We love play our own music, but even today, if requested for some special occasion, we play Metallica or Megadeth tribute. No cover, only tribute.
Musicwebzine – How is the music scene in your country ?
Deadlock Crew: There are many young people getting into metal music, metal will not die, maybe it will return underground, but this is not bad, it is good from my point of view.