Derelict posts vocal Playthrough for “Infinite Dread”

Returning after a 12-year hiatus with their breakthrough and highly anticipated album “Versus Entropy” unleashed this past June, Montreal, Canada’s Derelict are sharing their latest vocal playthrough from frontman Eric Burnet for the track “Infinite Dread”:
Burnet comments on the playthrough:
”Infinite Dread is about how social media, the news cycle, and algorithms have taken over and monetized our attention spans, creating massive profit for tech and media companies, and infinite dread for everyone else. I included a little nod to Glen Benton of Deicide at the beginning of the playthrough because while I was preparing to record it, there was a clip in the metal media of Glen essentially saying in an interview that musicians didn’t look very metal anymore and wore black-rimmed glasses and hats. I thought that was funny because that’s what I wear in my everyday life, but I thought it would be additionally funny to promote a song about social media bullshit and chaos by commenting on a casual comment someone made in a video as if it mattered at all. I love Glen, he’s a huge vocal influence of mine, and I figure he’d probably get the joke. I really hope he likes my hat.”
Watch and listen to the vocal playthrough for “Infinite Dread” at
Derelict‘s latest album “Versus Entropy” is a testament to the collaborative synergy between Burnet and guitarist Max Lussier. Each song on the album is a joint effort, with contributions from bassist Sébastien Pittet and drummer Tommy McKinnon adding layers of complexity and depth.
Unshackling their brutal melodic technical death metal, this full length as been a long time coming as it unfolds in two distinct chapters, the first four songs can be considered a pure evolution of what they did on 2012’s “Perpetuation”.It is then separated by an instrumental piece “Attunement” that offers a breather and a bridge to the last four tracks that feature probably the band’s most brutal, southern, thrashiest, and old-school prog death songs ever written by them.
Lyrically, the album delves into both global and personal themes, from climate change and social injustice to introspective explorations of identity and emotion. “Versus Entropy” was produced by Burnet and Lussier, mixed and mastered by JF Dagenais (Kataklysm), with the album artwork done by Cate Francis.
Burnet adds about the album:
“Existing fans of Derelict will recognize that it’s us right away. We play technical death metal with lots of melody and vocals that are more on the clear intelligible side (for death metal). That said, we let ourselves experiment and explore with this album. 2012’s ‘Perpetuation’ was full steam ahead. It didn’t have a single clean passage. While we are very proud of that album, we did not want to do that again. We wanted an album that hits hard, breathes, and ends before you get overwhelmed. We were heavily influenced by the structure of Gorguts’ ‘Colored Sands’ album, where they put a long instrumental piece as the fifth track of a nine-song album. We set out to do something similar and wrote our first full-band proggy instrumental song with ‘Attunement’. It serves as a bridge between the two halves of the album. The first four songs probably resemble the Derelict people are most familiar with, but even within that, there are more dynamics and variations. After Attunement, the second half experiments even more. Dans Les Dents is Max’s first song on lead vocals and is probably our most brutal song to date. Spectrum challenges conventions with more of a bluesy/southern metal sound, but the lyrics are about celebrating differences within masculinity by making space for all kinds of identities. The song Derelict is very thrashy and also very cheesy. It’s an ode to the band’s history and I really didn’t hold back on the cheesy and sentimental lyrics. And finally, The Escapist, another sung by Max, is very old school and progressive. You can definitely hear Max’s Death and Atheist influences there.”
Recommended for fans of Decapitated, Death, and Cryptopsy, “Versus Entropy” is available at the following links:
Bandcamp –
Spotify –
Youtube –
Drum playthrough – Versus Entropy –
(Album Artwork byCate Francis)
Track Listing:
1. Versus Entropy – (4:32)
2. Infinite Dread – (4:23)
3. Terminal – (4:02)
4. Workhorse – (3:00)
5. Attunement – (5:05)
6. Dans les Dents – (2:23)
7. Spectrum – (3:59)
8. Derelict – (4:11)
9. The Escapist – (4:15)
Album Length 35:50