Durkmoose – “Neurilemma” [Self Released]

Durkmoose is a hard rock duo based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, combining the brooding sounds of 90s grunge rock with an edge of contemporary metal. Their debut EP Hill Controlled came out in 2020. It features five instrumental songs with a cinematic feel and unity of theme, as if they were soundtrack to a dark drama set in the desert.
“Neurilemma” is a track full of details that make listening more unique than rare, creating something truly original, that gift a powerfull sound and full of energy. The song its instrumetal, but, never mind , ’cause the energy , and a lot of intensive.
For lovers of the genre, Hard Rock, it is certainly a good simple, direct proposal that can be listened to right from the start and, increasingly intriguing, leads to the finale with ease and pleasantness.