
Elijah Edney – “Suffer” [Self Released]

North Carolina musician. Elijah Edney play guitar, piano, bass, and cello. He making music since 2020.

“Suffer”, the proposed track, offers an intense and engaging Alternative Punk Rock sound, well enhanced by more marked additions that give dynamics to the entire journey. The general sound is energetic, compelling, with a redundant and full-bodied amalgam through sounds that enhance and embellish the structure. A job well done to leave a good mark with the intent, in our opinion, successful of making the piece dynamic and ringing as a whole.

With this proposal, Elijah Edney proves himself prepared to create dynamic structures, undoubtedly leaving an excellent impression. A firm voice gives further volume and depth to listening, generating a good fluidity which is so engaging and not at all tiring. A song that drags the listener into a dimension with a notable sonic impact and releases excellent vibrations.

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