KlearLyght – “On – Jima – Strong Hand” [Self Released]

KlearLyght is an experimental music project created by DL (David LeTourneau). The music/songs are mainly of an Ambiance/Trance/Tribal style…with a few exception.
The beginnings of KlearLyght actually evolved from a former Blues band…which was sidelined during covid.
During the break DL starting working on some original musical ideas with the plan of starting a new band hopefully with the present band members.
During this time DL also discovered the band “Shriekkback” and this had a big influence (though KlearLyght doesn’t really sound like Shriekback) on DL’s writing.
Some of the band members rehearsed a couple of the songs…but this idea wasn’t working out…so a new approached needed to be realized.
The new plan had 2 objectives…to create a website for KlearLyght…and give this band/site a little promotion. DL wanted to see if there was any interest in this type of music and then if so…the site was needed for other musicians to hear before auditioning.
Being mainly a blues player before KlearLyght…DL had no interest with Synths…but DL began using some of the synths in the DAW Logic Pro…and one thing lead to another…and now ASM HydraSynths are mainly used for the synth parts.
DL played all the keyboard/synth/guitar parts…and all the rest are samples in some fashion ore the other. This is really just the beginning of the project. DL hopes to gather enough musicians in the near future to play these songs live.
KlearLyght , offers an intense and engaging song, well enhanced by more marked grafts that give dynamics to the whole journey. The general sound is fluid, dinamic, with a redundant amalgam of sounds that amplify and enhance the atmosphere. A job well done to leave a good mark with the intent, in our opinion, successful to make the piece dynamic and ringing as a whole.
KlearLyght, proved to be prepared to create dynamic structures, without renouncing more atmospheric riffs, which undoubtedly leave an excellent mark. The voice gives further volume and depth to listening, in fact generating a good fluidity that is so engaging and not at all tiring. A song that drags the listener into a dimension with a remarkable sound impact and which releases excellent vibrations.