
October Changes released a new single/video “The Salcido Story”

On March 19th, 2021, the Belgian metalband October Changes released their home recorded single “The Salcido Story”.
The gothic/industrial metal formation has made a lyric video clip of the single “THE SALCIDO STORY” on their official YouTube channel!

OCTOBER CHANGE’s music can be described as an eclectic blend of symphonic, industrial and gothic metal, fused together with some electronic influences. The female vocalist delivers vocals that go from clean, more classic inspired to more powerful dark vocals. The result is a unique and variable sound that has the ability to reach beyond metal-music-lovers.
Quote from the band regarding this new single: “For this song we wanted to set the attention on domestic violence and abuse. We got our inspiration from the Salcido murders that happened in 1989. We know that our video is somewhat gruesome and uncensored, but we feel that domestic violence and abuse shouldn’t get censored, since it is horrifying and very traumatizing to go through something like that. We wanted to capture the feeling of the victims as good as possible in our video. We hope that our video somewhat awakens people to help out friends that go through a difficult time in their life.”, October Changes.


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