
Silver Michelle , the power of Rock

A versatile artist, Micaela Battista – aka Silversnake Michelle – she began her acting career, studying at the Teatro Nuovo in Turin with Renato Liprandi first, and then at the Tangram Theatre under the direction of Ivana Ferri and Bruno Maria Ferraro. Then she takes part in many theatre performances, engaging in both dramatic (e.g. Lady Macbeth) and light comedy roles.
2011 is the year of the musical breakthrough: Micaela takes choral training as a soprano at the Civic Choir School of Milan and in the same year she attends classes in Ethnomusicology at the Musicology’s department at the University of Milan. A few years later she began a musical quest, strongly connected to her personal background and leading to the birth of Silversnake Michelle and her songs, of whom the artist is both author and performer.
With the support of Dario Arena (guitar) and Daniele Marchetti (keyboards and guitar), who contribute to the arrangements of the songs, in 2014 the first album “So in my mind” is released; a nine-track concept album with the presence of Paola Caridi on drums (Fedez, Fabrizio Moro, Laura Bono, Massimo Ranieri).
Also in 2014, Silversnake Michelle takes part in the US TV show Live From Center Stage, where she performs together with the likes of Greg Baker (drummer of Village People and Sister Sledge) and bass player Charles Berthoud.
In 2015 she starts working on the production of the second album “Her Snakeness”, which sees the contribution of Marcello De Toffoli (Umberto Tozzi’s keyboard player) to mixing and arrangements. A work, then released in 2016, in which the artist engages with sounds having a distinctly progressive rock flavor.
In the meantime, she began her partnership with the Italian music magazine “Micsugliando”, where Micaela writes her column “Under My Pencil”, as from the title of a song in his debut album “So in My Mind”.
Then it’s the turn of the third work “…Buries The Secret Of…”, an EP with 3 tracks only, released in 2017, and representing a kind of conceptual closing of the previous album.
The fourth work by Silversnake Michelle, titled “The Mother Code”, is released in April 2020 by Bolognese label Areasonica Records.

MWZ: Welcome Micaela! Tell us something about Silversnake Michelle.
Hi, everybody! Silversnake Michelle is my alter ego born in 2012. She is a dreamer who decided to paint emotions with sounds. Silver Snake. The snake is a primordial, solitary, seductive and sinful animal. Good and evil in one being. It is a divine icon. It constantly mutates and frees me from musical and image patterns. I wanna be free and I don’t wanna to be caged in a specific pattern. Silver color is linked to the cult of the moon and the feminine. A sacred metal in some oriental populations.

MWZ: What about your new album “The Mother Code”?
The Mother Code is a continuation of the previous Ep. All the albums are linked together. Even the album titles form a sentence. So in my mind… Her Snakeness… Buries the secret of… The Mother Code.
The melodies are lighter and less twisted than the previous albums, but the lyrics are quite harsh. It’s an album I associate with the element Earth, the our Mother.
A link to childhood. I would like to repeat experiences and react differently. I would like to stifle regrets. And I would like an adult to answer the question that no one has yet answered: are we real?.

MWZ: Do you think that your music could be more appreciate in Italy or maybe abroad?
That’s a really good question. I would say that my music is more appreciated abroad.
I write in English and the Italians don’t like it because the text doesn’t arrive immediately. And in Italy there is a poor education of the public to listen to new music. The Italian market is very focused on trap and pop music but always in Italian. Majors use talent show to discovers new “artist” (are they really talents? Or they’re just plastic puppets inside a dream butcher shop?)

MWZ: Would you like put a male voice close to yours, or even your future projects are totally “female oriented”?
At the moment is totally “Snakeness” oriented 🙂 but I’m open to several options.
There are many male artists that I would like to do a featuring (first of all Eminem, I love his rap!)

MWZ: How much is really important the stage?
The stage is very important, to involve the audience. It’s the direct transmission of emotion. There is authenticity. And it reflects the real nature of music. It is ephemeral. And lived in the here and now. Hic et nunc.

MWZ: Who is Micaela out of the music?
I am a mother who would like to teach my son to pursue his dreams and ideals, without compromising.
I like playing with my son, I like cooking and travelling, but sometimes I’m very lazy: I like sleeping so much.
I’m a very curious and instinctive person, although over time I’ve learned to be more “diplomatic”.

MWZ: Do you plan a tour? Or Silversnake Michelle will be only a project studio?
It’s not just a project studio. I’m looking for a more theatrical way to bring music in live performances. I want to make it sensory. Taste it with every sense. That’s why with Daniele Marchetti (my arranger, and musician who collaborate with me since 2013) we have created SNAKE MACHINE a Silversnake factory, where I, with the help of other artists, wanna propose different way to play music. Now we’re stuck because of Covid. Let’s wait for better times

MWZ: That’s all!! Greeted our readers with a message!
Thank you very much for this nice talk and for your time.
A hug to all the readers and I’m waiting for you on https://www.silversnakemichelle.com
Stay Rock and Music your Time!!!

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