
Sirgaus – “L’Anguana e la Gemma del Mare Ancestrale” [Self Released]

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Sirgaus is a really interesting italian project, which combines the melody of symphonic power metal with other influences deriving from many other genres, above all classic hard rock and something gothic. The concept behind this album allows the band to range between various moments and sensations, all very engaging and where keyboards and female voices often manage to instill a magical and engaging aura that is rare to find in other works.

Precisely in this sense, the fact that this work will have a theatrical performance and also a dedicated independent film is totally justified. Discs like this aren’t listened to many nowadays, in an era where everything seems too standardized and superficial.

In contrast, the Sirgaus are always maniacally looking for emotion and they succeed. It’s really a pleasure to hear such products in this historical period, or products that go beyond fashion and only try to strike the listener with originality. A big round of applause to the Sirgaus, an up and coming band that knows what they are doing…and does it in a fantastic way.

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