
Strja – “Strja” [Self Released]

Strja are an Italian black metal band that does not want to reveal their identity and seeks a personal way to present their black metal, singing in Venetian dialect. The style that comes to the surface in these three songs is classically black metal and is certainly reminiscent of the Scandinavian black metal of the nineties, but we are not offered a pompous style, but rather something quite sparse which however manages to create the right amount of atmosphere .

The vocal choruses are always spot on and give vigor to songs that are not too pretentious, unfolding over a medium-short length. Sharp riffs and screams typical of black metal that might remind you of some things from Horna rather than Darkthrone, but with a fairly modern production.

Three successful songs that make us hope for a first full-length perhaps more articulated and structured, where this band will therefore have to demonstrate that they have sufficient qualities to cover the length of a real album. For now the result is undoubtedly encouraging.

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