
Turkey Vulture release new single

Connecticut heavy music duo Turkey Vulture makes a departure from their usual snarling fare with the acoustic single “Christmas Apart,” released on December 31st, 2020.
Frontwoman Jessie May says,
“2020 obviously has been a difficult year for… Pretty much everybody. Many of us celebrated the holidays differently because of the pandemic, whether in keeping with public health protocols or perhaps due to the illness or loss of a loved one. Our family was no exception. (Thankfully, everyone is on the mend.)
The first line of ‘Christmas Apart’ is inspired by a landscape photo taken by our friend Heather Lawson, who runs the Facebook music performance group Happy Hour With Heather and Guest. The October 2020 shot shows a cornfield ready to be harvested for the fall (see it here). Heather wrote, ‘The coyotes won’t be able to hide in the corn much longer. Soon it will be gone.’ I’ve wanted to put that sentiment into a song ever since, but it just wasn’t going anywhere in my head.
Then I was taking a walk a couple days after Christmas, thinking about everything that has happened this year — and the rest of the lyrics finally came together. The chord changes and lilting vocal melody are loosely built from The Pogues’ classic Christmas tune ‘Fairytale of New York.’ Jim and I recorded the song at home with Garageband on New Year’s Eve. It’s not flawless, but we wanted to capture the idea before the time had passed.”
Stream and download “Christmas Apart” here: https://turkeyvulture.bandcamp.com/album/christmas-apart

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