
Vanguardian’s new song “The Collider” is a dystopian vision of future

Metal band Vanguardian hailing from Jyväskylä Finland releases their second single “The Collider” from their upcoming EP on Wednesday 31th of August.

Vanguardian took a leap to the unknown, threw away their prejudices, and recorded their second EP in a full analog session at Astia studio in Lappeenranta.

The Collider continues the story that was written for the upcoming EP. The main theme in The Collider revolves around mankind’s reckless drive to bend technology to mankind’s will without a thought to its possible consequences.

The band says: “What is interesting about this song is that a lot of adjustments were made to this song once lyrics were finished. For example, outro was completely different until we got the lyrics from our vocalist. This song became a true collaboration between the band members.”

The Collider was recorded and produced by Anssi Kippo (known especially for his work with Children of Bodom) with Sakari Soisalo.

Listen to the single on music services: https://push.fm/fl/vanguardian-thecollider

Vanguardian is,
M. Martinmäki – Vocals
T.Jäntti – Drums
M.Saviranta – Guitar
S.Soisalo – Bass

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