
Infected Chaos, release the new album, “Dead Aesthetics”

The Austrian-South German Metal commando INFECTED CHAOS holds a giant mirror right in front of the rotten, perverted part of humanity. Yes, the truth, it is painful.
Creatively, these hard steel enthusiasts are just as ruthless, and that hits like a forge hammer on an anvil!
The delightfully rough riffed and at the same time really colossally rhythmic DEATH METAL of the perfectly coordinated shock troop shows itself on the new and third long-player “Dead Aesthetics” from the most varied and most coherent side.

Christian • Vocals
Matthias • Guitars
Martin • Guitars
Ronny • Bass
Matze • Drums

A huge plus for these guys:
INFECTED CHAOS combine the brute force of contemporary, complexly poured death lead with a touch of US-American New School and the rich, timeless musicality of icons like the genre’s forefathers Death. Real killer solos included. And exactly this circumstance makes the highly explosive mixture of the quintet a real feast for those gourmets who want it as raw and nasty as compositionally and technically skillful.

After turbulent years, the band finally gets back to songwriting with a renewed line-up, but this is abruptly thwarted by CoVid. The border closures prove to be a cruel test of patience, but giving up never becomes an option. Meanwhile INFECTED CHAOS are finally back in the band’s own studios to finish the third album “Dead Aesthetics”.

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