
“Stranger” new single for Chiara Dubey, out now

“Stranger is a moment of reflection on the strange experience we all went trough recently. The lockdown.

The lockdown was like a surreal dream. A blanket of solitude and quietness that just felll on us. Rythms changed, patterns changed. We changed. And yet, in this silent storm I found something good: I found this person in my empty home that I had lost a little along the way.
Myself. I was a stranger to myself.
But suddenly there was enough time and space to look inwards and it felt good. It felt like meeting an old friend after a long time.
Writing this piece, this intimate conversation with my very own soul, was liberating.

Maybe it will feel the same for those who listen as well.” Chiara Dubey

Introspective, dreamlike, sometimes surreal and yet so intimate and human
Chiara was born in Ticino and currently lives in Zurich. She convinces with her angelic voice, her skills as a producer and her unique talent as a violinist to build a bridge between classical and modern music in a magical way, captivating one’s senses. Chiara had previously released an album on her own and her songs aroused attention among radio & TV (SRF 3, Couleur 3 etc.) and playlist curators around the world…

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