Scotland’s Starry Skies present their single “Light In Your Soul”

Scotland’s STARRY SKIES present their single ‘Light In Your Soul’, a firm favourite among fans of one of Glasgow’s most beloved folk-rock bands and a positive, heartfelt and gorgeous reminder to remember the light and strength inside ourselves regardless of the challenges faced.
Frontman WARREN McINTYRE explains, “‘Light in Your Soul’ started off as a tribute to New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She has been getting a lot of criticism in the press and this got me thinking about female leaders.I wanted to write a message of support to Jacinda to let her know that, even in far-away Scotland, there are people who admire her and the kind inclusive approach she takes to leading her country. Her public show of empathy for the Muslim survivors of the Christchurch shooting was admirable and showed the strength of connection.”