September Damage – “Perception of Reality” [Self Released]

Melodic death metal is a varied genre that has been able to transform and enrich itself more and more over the years. Just think of the stylistic differences and the evolutions of established realities such as Soilwork, Dark Tranquility, In Flames, Darkane, At The Gates, Carnal Forge and others.
Each of these bands, reported here only to make some more famous names, has over time achieved a unique and well distinguishable sound from the others. Not all genres have been able to do this, take for example thrash metal, which has failed in a few evolutions it had undertaken in the nineties. In the case of the italians September Damage we are witnessing another reality full of personality and interesting ideas. Ours propose a music that for futuristic atmospheres has nothing to envy to certain Fear Factory. In a certain sense it is perfect to speak in this case of a successful hybrid between melodic death and extreme metal in a broader sense, with many synths to season the whole.
The songs do not have the impetuousness of the first cries of this musical genre, but they rest on solid mid tempo, interspersed with powerful double bass rides. In reality there are three songs, while the third track is a sort of instrumental interlude that adds little to the work. All perfect? Let’s say almost, because the impression you get from listening to this EP is that of witnessing a band that has yet to find its own dimension, or rather, a new dimension to be consolidated.
So for now the judgment on “Perception of Reality” is decent, but we expect more in the future. Not bad though!